Hey everyone, JB here with you again. Sorry it has been a little since my last posting.
Time just seems to get away from me anymore nowadays and I have been so busy lately out and about in the world recently. I wanted to take a moment and share with all of you one of my great unspoken passions in my own life.

As of last night on Friday Night Smackdown the “Immortal” story of the “Undertaker” and his brother “Kane” after all these years finally comes back around full circle. Last night for the first time in 6 years the “Father of Destruction” the man himself who started it all “Percy Pringle” a.k.a. the “Paul Bearer” finally returned! I don’t believe that the Arena where this happened and subsequently myself could have been happier or screamed any louder than when we saw Mr. Pringle himself! It has been much too long since we have had the pieces of this one true “Immortal” storyline before us, and now, it seems that it may unfortunately finally be coming down to the end of its historic life span.
Now I do not want to speculate on any one thing, especially being such a long time huge fan of the “Undertaker’s” and the former “Brother’s of Destruction” but, for the past few months that the “Undertaker” has been back since his “Untimely” vegetative condition that “Kane” found him in and then subsequently later told all of us he was responsible for, it seemed as if something did truly “Rob” the immortal one of his powers, and we were all starting to wonder up until last night, did “Kane” truly have the “Undertaker’s” powers??? That question was answered 10 fold and more by the return of “Paul Bearer & the “Urn of the Undertaker!” Last night was a re-invigoration, a re-birth if you will of the “Undertaker” and his powers from many years and moons ago. It seemed that the powers of hell had finally returned to their rightful place within the soul of the “Undertaker” Kane himself was witness to this first hand as Big Brother took the ring and demonstrated why he is still the one as he stated a few weeks ago “When I call, the Devil himself still answers to me Sir!!!” All of these events coming into a culmination that leads us back to where it started so many years ago, in the next Pay-Per-View WWE event being happily titled “HELL IN A CELL.” This event alone is known as “The Devil’s Playground” and its where the “Undertaker himself is known to exceed in his abilities and his powers outside of the Legendary Wrestlemania, which is another story unto itself for another day and time. For those of you who may not be familiar with all of this “Wrestling Terminology”, “HELL IN A CELL” is a match literally created for the “Undertaker” so to speak. It is simply a “30-TON” steel re-enforced cage that comes down and locks to the ring, with no way out until only one is left standing. It is Demonic in its design and yet Simple in its idea. Recently, “Kane” issued a challenge to the “Undertaker” for a “Hell In A Cell” match at the HELL IN A CELL” event. I will say this from my time in the ring which was brief, if your “Foolish” enough to want to go into this event and let alone ask for a match with the one man who this event was created for, then by all means as I have heard, “May God Have Mercy On Your Soul.” Although if you have watched these events over any part of your life, then you know one thing about them, when you step into this event with the “Undertaker”, there is no god in existence that will hear your screams or rescue you.
As the “Undertaker” himself once said “Sometimes It Is Hell Trying To Get To Heaven!”
- JB