Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 2011 Movie Review Time

     Hey everyone JB here with you again. It's been bit I know for movie and music reviews, hopefully my other forums have been keeping you entertained on some subjects I have posted about recently, if that in and of itself has not kept your appetite at bay for more info from me, well never fear, JB is here! I've got another set of reviews coming at you today!

     Today I will be talking about a few of the newer movies that I have been catching up on lately with and finally had a chance to see. Let's dive right on in!

Lost Boys 3: The Thirst
      I've been watching this movie series for over 20 years now (no its not a sign of my age) but I've always enjoyed the concept started in 1987 mixing Vampires with Rock N Roll music. Back in those days it was just something that had never been tried before, surprising to say, and it was considered very "experimental" at that time to mix those elements. They did and what was born from it was a enduring love and new modern spins on the long lasting stories of vampires that we have all come to know and love, which in and of itself, have spawned alot of the ideas about vampires we know and see in movies today. Suffice it to say that perhaps without "The Lost Boys" and its catalyst as a springboard to modernize the stories of vampires we may not have some of the other series about vampires we currently have.

     LB3 though sadly is where our journey ends in the exploration of vampires, at least for now. Sadly as we all may or may not know one of the famous and infamous "Frog Brothers" "Corey Haim" passed away a couple of years ago and it seemed for a time we might never know how things would have turned out for the "Frog Brothers." Always one to keep going just like in the movie "Corey Feldman" in his role of "Edgar Frog" brought us all back into the story as it was given a revamp and re-modernization into today and the 21st century. I can say that this "straight to DVD release" is an excellent movie and really took me back all the way "Santa Carla" from years past back to number one. Corey Feldman himself keeps doing an excellent job as a vampire hunter and destroyer, and in the end actually takes a few upgrades himself. One of which is a young book store woman with a twist in that one (watch it till the very end to find out) and the other being we see Edgar with a kindle book reader. Yes that's right, Edgar makes his way into the 21st century just like so many of you have done currently, speaking of which (I need to myself). Overall in excellent movie in my opinion as I do own all three in the "Lost Boys" series and even though it seems the end now, there is a twist at the end (like I said before) and i truly hope that this is not the last movie we see from them, I know after nearly 20 years (2 Decades) what more can they do your asking, well this fan certainly hopes for more!
5 out 5 stars is my rating.

District 9:
     This has definitely been on my radar screen for a while now. District 9 starts out as what you might think it would for an alien movie but quickly assumes an identity all of its own. Shot from  "First & Second Person Perspectives" literally. We see the story of government corruption, a family trying to get back home, what love and devotion can be in some respects (if you have that in your life), what losing that love and devotion can do to some, and even what humans can and are doing to one another. I would like to think that if that really did happen to us in the here and now, on our everyday earth, and we did have a race of aliens wanting to live here in somewhat harmony with us as humans, we might treat them alittle bit better than what I observed in this movie. It was truly a captivating story to me that drew me into the movie very well, as I am certain it will and may have done with all of you, it is a definite must see. 4 out of 5 stars is my rating.

Saw 7: The Final Chapter
     This movie was definitely quite an intriguing and interesting movie to say the least. Non-stop action, twists and turns at each and every turn and it finally seemed to put alot of the pieces together. Once again "Jigsaw" never disappoints as he has inevitably foreseen all of the events that are about to take place and has prepared for them. I don't want to spoil too much of it for you all, just in case your like me and have not watched the movie yet, all I can tell you is that there is no shortage of blood, guts, mutilation, decapitation, gore, gore gore, and more blood blood, and even more blood. Even though this states this is the "Final Chapter" I somehow don't believe this (as you will have to watch it to understand that statement) and I hope that it isn't but if it truly is, then it has been one awesome journey and one wicked hell of a ride along the "SAW" story. 4 out of 5 stars is my rating.

From Paris with Love:
     This was just a phenomenal movie in this blog-writers opinion. A modern day take on a very realistic type of circumstance. It does not disappoint on the action sequences, car chases, explosions, guns, shooting, blood, destruction and more. Although that is not what really makes this movie complete, there is another story underlying it. In a world where nothing anymore is at it seems, and terrorists and other threats run amuck, we find ourselves being unsuspectedly led into a love story that has a rather particular unseen twist type ending. As "John Travolta's" character states in the movie "Love will get you killed." Sadly in most instances I would have to say I agree, but before I go into some tangent about love you all probably don't want to hear and I'm not ready to go into yet (at this point in my life) check out this movie and see what I mean. It will definitely draw you in and keep you on the edge of your seat. 5 out of 5 stars is my rating.

     There you have it everyone, as you can tell i am trying to get to newer movies and play the catch up game so to speak…he he he he! Enjoy them please, go check out these movies, enjoy yourselves, live, laugh, love and enjoy everyday!

     See you all again from the WILD SIDE of life!!! 

          - JB

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