Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Orginally Written: September 2010
Revised and Reposted: July 2011

I have listened to quite a great variety of music and musical styles over my years, here within this world, and the new solo album “Avalon” by Godsmack front man “Sully Erna” is nothing short of an absolute musical masterpiece. There are almost no words to express how this album has personally moved me and touched my very soul. Although I will do my best to bring you into the world that is “Avalon.”     

It starts in the liner notes of the CD, with a very personal message from “Sully Erna” himself, about his thoughts and philosophies on music. The music within this album though brings that message full circle. Contained within this album are the Sounds of the World, and possibly of the Universe. This album contains (to me) a roadmap to one’s own soul, a personal journey of discovery and enlightenment and deep thought.  

The title track “Avalon” takes you into a world of mesmerizing wonder and sound. Sounding as if it was almost recorded in a time and place forgotten long, long ago.

As we continue our journey deeper into the reaches of the universe we are accompanied by a clock ticking the seconds away as we travel as the music of track two “7 Years” comes rushing in helping us to pick up more velocity for our journey. The guitar seemingly plays a rather somber bittersweet haunting melody, taking our minds to a place in time long ago left behind for some reason we have yet to understand.

As we listen the intensity increasingly builds as we gather speed, watching now the stars fly by us abreak neck speed, we hear the sounds of "Soul Strings"  from a Violin played so hauntingly beautiful you can't help but be mesmerized by its sounds, we also listen to the Tribal Drumming that speaks to the beat of our own hearts and souls reaching back to a primalness within us, and again the Haunting Guitar Riffs that carry us forward with such intensity, they will not let go.

All of this building upon the messages of personal philosophies on life and living that speak right along with each and every one of us and shake our very souls to the core while we listen and reflect on our own "7 year" personal journeies.

We pick up our speed as we begin to break through the very fabric of time itself, we seem to be looking back over the past, & at the very same moment, we are looking into the future as our journey takes us further into the recesses of the universe & time, the journey is wondrous so far. Let the Music of "7 Years" carry you along.

We now slow down our speed, for a few moments to catch our breath, as a Haunting Piano seems to enrapture our senses with a hauntingness that wraps our souls in a cloak of pain not felt for some time, as we listen to the pain, and strength, within the strings playing on Track three that is “Broken Road.”

Has anyone ever been here at this point in their own life before? It is okay if you have, this journey is for you. You are truly not alone. Let the pain come forth, this is your release, never feel your on a "BROKEN ROAD" again. Our journey in life is long and painful, and we all must suffer along the way, sometimes alone to see the triumph at the end, so they say. Keep your strength and never give up. Feel the music surge through you. This is your time to stare straight into your past, and let the regrets you have go.

Let us head onward as our journey now starts to once again pick up speed with Track four “Sinner’s Prayer” Once again “Tribal drums” start us out, as they capture the sound, as we are brought to a place of reflection, to look back upon where we have come from, and who we are currently, and maybe where we are headed now.

The “Violin” & “Tribal Chanting” seem to speak of a message from a different time and place. How many of you feel the strength and the power within this song? Can you see your soul through the devil's eyes? Is your time up? Are you looking at your very own soul? Is Heaven truly closed for some of us for what we have done during our time on earth? What have you done? Are you "Sinner" seeking your eternal redemption and forgiveness?

Track five is where we find ourselves now called “My Light”, it is a view up above the clouds almost looking down from the moon or even heaven above. sit for awhile, and chat amongst the stars. They are listening to you tell your story. Listen closely, speak wisely and insightfully, and look out over the world and let you heart and soul reach out to the stars around you, let them shine their light on you. You have been chosen for a reason.

"AVALON" takes you upon a journey into your own self, mind, body, spirit, and soul. The music contained within this record is simply a musical masterpiece, and I am certain you will find your own self within it.

Experience the beauty, the magic, the magnitude, and the wonder called “Avalon” and in your own ways, find the beauty and serenity within this album into your own life. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

Remember this, our souls have walked upon this Universe for quite some time. Listen to what they wish to share with you, it is their story that has been written and theirs to tell. Remember your story is just now being written. Let your story be something good that is left behind for the universe to remember and talk about forever.


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