Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Singing & Playing Music On Stage:

Oh crud is what I was thinking at the moment when I heard that.

Not sure if it was just a case of stage fright or butterflies in my stomach maybe the same two.

Here I was on stage in front of about 1000 people or so about to perform for the first time, along with a few band mates, we were finally here ready to take that next step into the unknown.

Everything that we have done, all of the practicing, the countless rehearsals, the late nights, the writing, the creating, the conceptualizing, the planning, all have led to this moment.

"YOUR UP" was the next thing I hear and I snap back to reality, we break out of our zones of concentration, we walk down the hallway, hearing the crowd chant and yell and scream as we make our way to the stage we're now taking the stage, not really sure how this will go, we look at each other as we plug our instruments in, giving that look of its now or never. We know that this is our time now!

The lights come on and in that moment we find the sync between us and we come alive!

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