Hey Everyone, JB here with you again.

I assume with my ever evolving listening and still continuing love of the bands from my youth more and more, it seems that lately that’s what I’ve been really listening to. Now I am not certain if it’s a sign of my age, or if its just a regression back to bands that still sound ahead of their time now almost 30 years later (at least to me), but I love them and this music is not only classic but timeless as well if you ask me. It takes me and maybe you if your listening to the bands listed here to a place back in time where it seemed like those people really felt and were going through what you and I were going through.
A seemingly simple voice for the down trodden, the ridiculed, the lost, and some who felt that there was no hope ever coming their way. I don’t know if those are accurate descriptions of what people (myself included) were feeling back then or now, but whenever I go back to these records and let them carry me away with their songs and melodies of teenage-ridden angst, anger and contempt for the system I feel alive again. Its almost therapeutic, as if I am transported back to a time when it seemed like they knew what all of us were going through, like they were right there with us going through it too and we were all screaming together at the top of lungs so loudly not even the universe could deny our pain and anger.
Now with all of that said and out of my system, I would love to hear some thoughts on this subject if you can relate to this, or if your old enough to remember back then and know what I am talking about, or even if your not and you listen to these bands currently.
List of bands include:
The Ramones
The Sex Pistols
The Adolescents
Suicidal Tendencies
Circle Jerks
Bad Brains
Minor Threat
Bad Religion
Black Flag
Dead Kennedy’s
Social Distortion
Agnostic Front
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
- JB
i dont know but a few of these groups
ReplyDeleteSorry to say, but I only know about two or so of the bands up there. I can relate to what you're saying about feeling a certain way and certain bands and songs taking you back to a time when everyone seemed to relate to those feelings, but not in the same way as you are. Right now I'm in more of a rock/metal mood. Well, still got like two more blogs to check up on. I'll comment again on those. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI did miss you when I was gone and I did think about you. You know the best music to listen to or at least have suggestion on what to listen to, so...I can honestly take you word for it about what you've said.