Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Freak Fest II 2011

Hey everyone, JB here with you again. Its been a little while now things have been crazy busy with me as of late, and they show no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Freak Fest II 2011. Now if you missed this show, then you missed one hell of an event. This was one for the ages.

I made the journey to this event, and I certainly was not disappointed. Everyone there associated with the venue and the bands treated me as if one of their own.

We start out the night with the band “Kritikal Resistance.” These guys deliver on all eight cylinders just insane crazy lyrics, jaw dropping speed and a playing technical prowl less that really started the event off right, firing away into a musical sonic crescendo. These individuals here are going to be huge and have amassed a following that is crazy in size.

I also had the chance to spend some time with some very dear friends of mine who always treat me like of them and of their own as well.

Yes first and foremost I am talking about the Immortal One Herself, The Solar System Queen of Rave herself, Zoe VanWest. On this night she was decked out for the metal scene, which she is adapting to quite nicely and starting to put her own spin and style upon.

Zoe then presented to me an utmost honor and introduced me to, her highest-ranking Col. Of Rave the one and only “Col. Mistress Mixtress Krikett.” It was an utmost Honor and Pleasure to meet Col. Krikett who is as lovely and beautiful, as she is Talented in the world of Rave and Hardcore Style in this traveler’s opinion.

Mistress Mixtress Krikett comes to us via the Alpha Centauri Star System by way of NC. She is here in Florida for a short time on an exploration mission, so make sure if your in NC to be sure to check this truly talented woman out and see her style of rave and spin on the music, which as this traveler observed, was quite impressive and amazing indeed.

The main hit of the whole night was Zoe VanWest’s direct equal, the King of Hardcore Style Rave and New York Metal, The Legendary one himself, and a personal good friend of mine, “DJ Hellroy” others know him as “Rob VanWest.” This man can make the heaven’s sing, and on this night he did not disappoint in that fact. The solar system was definitely in tune and in synch with him.

His live set was truly amazing, you had to be there to experience it, you have got to hear this man spin those records, and as he closed out his set he chose a very special track with a “Very Metal” and appropriate cover of “Hey Man, Nice Shot” by Filter. Joining him on vocals were James Harrison who is the founder of Tampa Bay Metal Scene and also Guitarist for the band “Psykotribe “ a Horror Rock Band (very awesome band indeed) and Mr. Jeff Dal Pezzo from “A Broken Machine.” The “Metal” twist on this song was truly inspiring, so look for a Death Metal version of this song soon with DJ Hellroy and Myself in the upcoming future.

The next band on the list was a band called “Scar City.” These individuals are going to be huge. The band is mind-numbingly fast, with elements of slowed down melodies, just long enough to come back and blast you again. This band delivered a blitzkrieg set of just jaw-dropping, rip-roaring, straight to your face music that never quits. All of the members seemed to be extremely very humble and also appearing to be individuals with families so, they all seemed very down to earth.

Look for these guys on the radio very soon. Two of my personal favorites from this night by them were “Fuck You” and “Shallow” both song encompassing all in terms of standing up to others for who you are, not changing for them, or anyone else in what they want you to conform to and be, and standing firm in the belief of who it is you are! They love the crowd, they engage them and have them involved in their performances and just really tore the house down. Look for these guys coming soon to a town near you.

The next band that blew me away was a band hailing from Ocala, FL. They are known as EBULLUTION. These guys started out with just insane crushing death metal fury. I mean it was truly a blast way back to the old days of what “Thrash/Death Metal” truly used to be. Me and the Solar System Queen of Rave "Zoe VanWest" were head banging about as hard as we could go during their first song. Now unfortunately I was not able to pick up on their CD’s at the show, (sad for me yes I know) but I will be following this group closely and as soon as I can I will and I will bring you the review.

The Band that just blew me away was none other than “A Broken Machine.” Now I stated earlier that Jeff Dal Pezzo was from this band. What I did not mention earlier was that Jeff and Myself had talked most of the time I was there, even from the beginning from when I arrived. He and Zoe VanWest are currently collaborating on an upcoming track that will be hitting the airwaves and online I believe very soon.

Well as the night progressed and the raffles, (yes there were raffle drawings for books, shirts, and even two different guitars, you really should have been there) Jeff and I spoke once more, and being the consummate marketer and promoter he is, and figuring that I love the Legendary “IRON MAIDEN” which I do as evident by the T-Shirt I wore on this night, he made me a deal. If they really ripped it up and tore the shit out of their cover of the “IRON MAIDEN” song they were going to perform, and they impressed me, that I would buy one their shirts.

They did not disappoint at all. They killed the cover hardcore!!! Jeff even came out while playing on his what looked to be “RED Ibanez” 6 string electric guitar (don’t quote me on this fact) and played some right by me in the middle of the crowd. He looked for approval from me of what I thought, I gave him a nod and the metal horns, and when it was all done, I purchased a shirt and received a free copy of their EP CD album. Jeff and the rest of the band were very cool. They even had a new drummer “Joey Blaque” this night (reasons still unknown) and this young kid, came out and ripped the place apart on the drums! He is a very talented drummer and I hope to hear their full length CD album very soon in the near future.

As the night progressed, more and more band followed and the night was just full of people who love metal and music coming together acting as one big family. The stereotypes of what most believe about metal and rave were all thrown out the door as all of the people here treated everyone like family and friends, enjoying being around one another. It truly made this traveler smile, to see such sites, and as such I even received a few pats of the back, hugs, and well wishes as well.

So if you ever find yourself in Largo, FL please, stop by and check out “Gasoline Alley Café’.” They will treat you right, they put on a really great show, and they have some really awesome food and drinks. This is definitely a place I will come back too again and again.

Ok guys, I got to jet for now, lots to still review and go through for all of you. Till next time, take care everyone, keep the Metal and Rave music scene alive and kicking into the rest of the 21st century!

As always CATCH YOU ALL on the WILD SIDE!!!!
HORNS UP \m/ \m/

 - JB

P.S. Here are the links to the band’s pages if you visit them and friend them tell them that
Music Blogger JB SENT YOU!!!

DJ Hellroy a.k.a. Rob VanWest

Mixtress Krikett

Kritikal Resistance

Scar City




A Broken Machine

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