Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hello everyone in Internet world, all of my fans, friends, and followers especially, JB here with you all once again. Yes I know it has been awhile. I am sorry for that, things and time just keep getting away from me it seems, and with so much going on in my life anymore, things get a bit hectic.

I write to you all today, in a sort of continuation from a previous blog of before, where I reviewed and talked about “Punk Rock” music in which I was at that time and am now once again currently listening to. Now let me explain some things here. Number one, I am a music minded, music business individual, and with that said it also goes without saying that I like and enjoy all types of music, from all types of musical genres. Just ask anyone that knows me personally well today.

Everyday I am always listening to different types of music, from all over the world, and I have noticed something about today’s music that is much different than yesterday’s music. Do you know what it is or could be? If not that is okay. I can at least tell you what I believe it to be and it might just make some sense. No one style of music is created equal. Not even one song is created equally. So some reading this may have an issue with what I’m about to say.


Now I know what you’re probably all thinking and or saying at this point. How exactly do I know this, or how can I even begin to think that way about a form of artistic expression that is subject to interpretation?

Let us start with the music of today. Most individuals at this point in time are only familiar with the Technological age of the Internet and digital downloaded albums and songs from iTunes, Rhapsody, and others. Even fewer individuals are familiar with Compact Discs known as “CD’s” and still even fewer individuals, are familiar with the origins of Recorded Music in the Mediums of Cassette Tapes and LP Records known by us “Old-School” individuals as vinyl.

Most people of today do no visit their local records shops, to even search for gems of albums (and you should), as many and more of these once great places to find these precious musical gems close their doors and go out of business each and every single day. People today buy songs or “Singles” as it is known in today’s current online marketplace, and with that we have witnessed the significant loss and subsequent destruction of artistic creativeness found in albums, songs, and even the artwork of these albums.

What people buy today and listen to this week is usually on its way out the door, forgotten about, and onto something newer happily referred to as “the next big thing” by the start of next week.

With all of that stated and now said and off my proverbial chest, it brings me to my main point. I unfortunately have been thoroughly disappointed in the styles and offerings of many music genres for well over the past 10-20 years. Now I know I am just one individual but I believe, that there may be others who feel like me out there in the world today.

Artists and Bands of today seem only concerned about quick financial compensation, and for at least some that fact, I can understand this with the world we in which live in today. We face great personal financial struggles everyday with the world’s current economic status. Hey I feel it too, I am no different! So wanting to make lots of money to keep living and enjoying the better things in life is something I want just as much as anyone else reading this.

Music today though almost seems to have no substance anymore. Now as for the artists who actually do still hold true to these values and practice them of yesterday gone by, right there is point number two. You almost never hear out of those artists and or bands today. If you want to, you have to go looking for them, and most sadly today do not because they don’t want to take that time and effort to find a gem of musical masterpiece creation.

What a crying shame that is because there is still so much beautiful and amazing music that is not being heard today, thanks to corporations, money, politics, TV Reality shows, and a whole list of other reasons.

This all really needs to stop in my opinion. We need to get back to the “Old-School” ways of doing things and especially in making music and actually look forward to a new music release and what it means to us. Not just for the next big thing coming down the pipeline to fill another moment in time for some stupid club party.

So recently I decided to go back to modern music’s roots, and I mean all the way back to the late 70’s and early 80’s. Right back into the punk and thrash worlds of musical creation. All to get back in touch with why I fell in love with music in the first place. Back to the feeling of when it all was right and seemed right.

Listening to Bands recently like “The Adolescents”, “The Germs”, “Bad Brains”, “The Dead Kennedy’s”, “Circle Jerks”, The Sex Pistols”, “TSOL”, “X”, “Agent Orange” and I did not stop there. I also went back to the early days of Heavy Metal and Death Metal bands as well, with the likes of: “Morbid Angel”, “Carcass”, “Celtic Frost”, “Mayhem”, “Burzum”, “Twisted Sister”, early “Metallica”, “Megadeth”, “Slayer”, “Anthrax”, “Venom” my personal favorites “Motorhead” and early “Sepultura” with the Brazilian brother’s Max and Igor Cavelera at the helm.

This to me, are the times, and days and ages, when music was all about fun, the world, and just being who you actually were, and enjoying the moment you were in or wherever you were at.

What happened to this? Where did the heart and soul of music go? Why is it all now all about money and nothing else? I just don’t get it myself. May be it was me who missed something along the way. Let’s change this and go back to the days of the 80’s and yesterday. Who wouldn’t benefit from that?

 - JB

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