Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Florida Tragedy

Two days ago a tragedy fell upon my state of Florida. Many lives of school-aged children were lost. Words escape me on the sadness and severity of it.
To all the families first and foremost I am sorry for your loss. My words probably do nothing to help but I truly am sorry.
For all the friends who lost their friends who lost their friends, I am truly sorry. No amount of my words can make it any better.
Many people are talking and many ideas are being talked about.
I address both topics below.
The media wants you to believe it is all about GUNS.
Guns caused all of this. You weren't there. You don't know how it felt! Guns only add to the problem. We need tighter gun laws and gun restrictions. Yes, I hear it all everyone.
Couldn't it be just as easily about; Knives? Baseball Bats? Forks? Spoons? Pens? Pencils, etc, etc? Well, now you're just being stupid and ridiculous now you might say.
Are any of those more stupid than the ever continuing argument about guns. Really think about it. I will wait.
Well, guns do all this damage and take so many out so fast. That is true. However; you can do the same amount of damage if not more with any of the aforementioned subjects I listed above.I know I have seen it happen before.
Some of the very places where weaponized crimes happen in the USA, and have happened currently, have some of the most stringent and toughest gun laws on the books. Gun laws only help to deter law-abiding citizens. Not criminals.
Signs posted state: No Guns Allowed On-Premises and these are listed on many buildings, schools, churches, hospitals, etc. Does that honestly stop the criminal or the law-abiding citizen?
Take a moment and really think about that question. I'll wait.
The sad truth everyone is this, and no one ever wants to look at this. If a criminal wants a weapon and be it a gun, knife, etc, they will find a way to get one, and the only loss of life will once again be law-abiding citizens.
What the law-abiding citizens of this nation these United States need is patient understanding, and consistent, constant, training in safety (first and foremost) and in the use and understanding of the utilization of firearms.
They are not to be feared. My gun on my hip is for my safety. If necessary it will be utilized for the safety of others should a situation arise that puts all of our lives in immediate danger.
There are only two ways to convince someone to do something or anything in this life. By coercion or by force.
I (like maybe many of you) am not coerced into doing anything. I will do as I wish (under the eyes of the law) as I see fit.
So that leaves the only threat of force. If I have a threat of force of my own, that can negate your threat of force, then the playing field is now equal, and instead of being a victim of the circumstance you may try to take advantage of me in, now that the playing field is equalized, you now have to re-think what you were planning to do.
We used to have that in this nation many decades ago. When we lost it and allowed the laws we have now to override common sense, we started becoming victims of the outcomes these laws dictate.
Until people start taking the responsibility once again to learn, and understand, again in this nation, and stand up to not be counted as victims, the tide will start turning, and people will no longer have to live in fear.
The truth of the matter is we need a discussion not on the weapons people use and or utilize but on the people behind any weapon.
We face a great deal as citizens of this nation.
Bombardment by the media every day, from television, to social, to online.
Chemicals in our foods, and drinks. Chemicals in the medicines we take, Chemicals in the air we breathe.
Life all by itself, is stressful, hard, and tough, all by itself.
Couple this, with chemical imbalances in the brain, due to either natural or man-made, medical health afflictions. feelings of hopelessness, loss, being lost, be trapped, feeling down, depressed, any number of these factors I am forgetting and it starts to brew the ingredients up into a perfect storm of mental instability.
What we do know about Mental Health is minimal at best. As the supposed most prosperous nation on earth, that fact alone is sad.
Many decades ago, depending on ailments, or mental health issues, we would stick people (family members or friends) in mental asylums and leave them be to forget them. Why you might ask? We just didn't want to bothered. We didn't have the time. We didn't know enough about it. We felt they could receive the care they needed by people better trained than us.
Truth is folks we just didn't care enough. Maybe if we did, we would be further along in our understandings of the brain/mind and what it can withstand or how it can be affected by outside influences and factors beyond what we do now.
We still are doing the same things we did all those decades ago to these individuals, even though we understand a lot more about the brain than we did back then.
The lack of understanding, patience, and empathy in this subject matter is the real tragedy and a great deal of the cause of what is going on in our nation today with all of these mass shootings, and ever-increasing level of brutal crimes.
Strides must be made in mental health, for caring for, to diagnosing properly and developing medications that ARE NOT just industrial grade pharmaceutical dope to keep individuals brain dead or comatose.
That is not how to deal with this. This practice is also done to seizure and stroke patients, I know this personally. It is sad and sickening.
So let us have some real conversations here everyone.Let's take some time out of our personal busy lives to really figure this stuff out.
I am no scientist, no engineer, no doctor, and I certainly do not know it all, but I am willing to speak to any and all of you that are, and lets see if we can come up with a better idea, understanding, and gameplan to help those that need the help before they continue on in becoming so lost and broken, that these types of tragedies continue to happen.

Monday, March 25, 2013

An In Depth Interview with the Solar System Queen the Immortal Goddess of RAVE General Zoe VanWest

Hello Everyone, JB here with you again. I know it has been awhile since I last posted. There have been a great many things going on within my life since the last time I spoke with all of you that have had me very busy and at times have had and still do have my mind completely occupied at infrequent, unsettling times, almost overloaded.

    As stated, I have done quite an extensive bit of traveling recently. In one of my most recent journeys I had the honor and privilege of speaking again to one of my very good and close friend’s of the cosmos, all the way from the Alpha Centauri Star System 4.35 Light Years from Earth and the Sun.

The communication logistics were a nightmare (as you can tell from the distance listed above), so please no inquiries as to how I pull off the miracles I am able to, just know that the fruits of my labor in this adventure and task set forth are bequeathed to all of you in the post below with the questions and answers for all of you, with the one and only goddess of rave herself, the solar system queen of dance and one of the finest music creators of the universe that I have ever known, the immortal one herself “ GEN. ZOE VANWEST!!!”

     Gen. Zoe VanWest Thank You for taking the time to speak with me and answer some questions about yourself and the history of “RAVE/HARDCORE.”

1. What is your history and background in the industry?
    I started as a studio singer in NJ at a Local indie label after doing some backing vocals for my friend’s band. When I got out to CA I became a studio singer full time, after impressing the right label-head. I got thrown into the last end of the artist development program (when it still existed) and was trained in everything from public speaking/interviewing to choreography/ stage dynamics and even some basic marketing and business. I did this until my own project started to kick off, then I ran with everything in my own direction.

2. How did you come to be involved in all of this? 
     I got Verrrry lucky. I had the right people believe in me and give me chances at the right time. I was so young looking back on it I am overwhelmed at how I managed.  I got a letter in NJ from Sony/Redsong San Diego on a recommendation from the studio I worked at in town. I was offered an internship. 

     I packed my bags, told 2 of my best friends I was leaving, 3 days later I hopped a plane with $80 to my name and never looked back. When I got to CA I went right to work, and was a studio singer there for a good 3 years. While I was there, I soaked up all I could - and started working more and more with the electronica and techno producers because with my vocal range, I found myself falling in love with the Vocal effects and live sampling used at that time, and I got so good at recording with it in real time, it became my job security. 

     DJ Hyperlite inspired me to be his main vocalist, and my own projects began.  Producer “Patricio Pickslay” became both my manager and mentor, and guided me through the corporate web. Together we wrote for Many UK producers and studios, sold the lyrics and guide tracks on the terms we got to perform them live at out own home venue.

     I contractually wasn’t allowed to do anything beyond sing behind a studio mic - so we created a bunch of different aliases so I could get away with it. My confidence, and love for live performance grew and blossomed then - and I have so many amazing talents who guested and performed along side of me to thank for it.

3. How do you find areas of relation to yourself (persona, soul) in these events?
     Performance was such an alien world to me when I was first doing studio work. I was trained to sing behind a studio mic - not a live setting, so when I was pushed out on stage I did what my training told me to, and it seemed to work so I ran with it. I caught a lot of hell for my style, but something in me kept telling me ” I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t meant to do this” I learned then and there - on the stage - that no matter what you put your mind and heart and soul too - you can accomplish anything.

     The So Cal Kandie scene was just budding then, and things were verrrry different to how they are now. Back then, when you walked into an event, Drama, differences, they were all laid aside in respect to the people putting on (back then) illegal gatherings…they’re hard work did not deserve other’s petty arguments. Without them, the party would not happen.

     So that’s where UNITY and RESPECT came from. Seeing that in front of me was like, going to mars. CEO’s dancing alongside Street Thugs, Goths dancing alongside Average Joe’s and Gang Bangers jumping alongside Yuppies…. the crowd was so mixed and you knew that NONE of these people would EVER interact with each other outside of that room, that night…that event. 

     That triggered a massive concept in me that as a ‘rave’ artist, we are responsible for creating a world where you can escape, be one with each other and forget the regular world. Rave was and in some areas still is exactly that - and I find my every cell exploding with that love to give to my own crowd when we put on shows. I do everything I can to replicate that feeling.

4. What inspires you to do what you do?
     Alot of things, mostly just the deep urge to bring people out of their everyday 9 to 5 existences. I never had that, so I feel the need to give back, and give everybody at least for a little while - a taste of my constant world of sound color and bass. 

     For performance alone I look to alot of performers like Kyle Minogue, Cascada, even GaGa now and then, the females who are rocking the hell out of the concert scene in the electronica mainstream world. But for inner inspiration I look to my following - all their ideas I see, read, and think about, and sometimes often build and perform to give back their support. I would not be here without them - especially now that Im doing this without backing, without corporate handouts - and it makes it a thousand times better. They deserve a thousand percent from me.

5. What music inspires you or do you currently listen to that is out in today’s industry?
     I have an insane love of downtempo and chill-out trance.  Marcus Schultz makes some amazing chill-out. Currently Im gaining a great appreciation for Metal. TOTALLY opposite end of the spectrum - but due to an unexpected and phenomenal response to a recent fusion show I performed at with a bunch of local metal bands and the always-phenomenal Crossbreed - I have a following of metal kids. 

     So Im STILL in shock and flawed by this, Im listening to more and more of the Metal genre to be able to fuse some of those influences into my music for them as well. Happy Hardcore and Metal are very similar just on opposite ends of the same spectrum. They are aggressive natured, whereas Im uplifting and happy natured, however we both pull from the same source…. classical music.

6. What do you use for inspiration for the music and musical styling’s that you create?
     The crowds, the rave scene. They are always my ground, my center. All I create is for them, so I think about what will make them dance, stomp and bring them to a place beyond their fears, and where their pain can never touch them. From that world I get the ideas for the stage productions, like wardrobe and the GoGo’s and the props.

7. What do these events such as (KABOOM, and Other Shows) bring out from inside of you?
     KABOOM especially, since its 100% hardstyle/happy hardcore event that we do from the ground up - really brings me back to when I first began all of this. I have these moments sometimes when Im backstage getting set to go -and Im all nervous and excited, I flashback to my first few times in front of a studio mic, when I was 16. How TERRIFIED I was when I first started out.  It reminds me how lucky we all are to have our art- whatever that art may be. It makes me excited to go and perform my art for those people who appreciate it and live by it.

 8. What have you watched change over the years in this genre & style of music? 
     Mostly the attitudes of the artists themselves, and the way the structure of the club industry has completely flipped on its head. Many factors including the generations turning over, the economy, local politics have a part in it, but it’s getting harder and harder for many DJs and Artists and events to find home venues.

 9. What are some of the largest crowds you have ever played to?
     Monster massive was by far the largest yet, held in the LA arena, and Metrocon, held at the Tampa Convention Center. Metrocon is so much fun, there is such a different intimate feel to doing the anime convention parties. I look out and see such a varied crowd, and its always amazing to see young grade school - aged kids singing the lyrics and bopping around with glow-sticks. It’s amazing. Makes you feel like you’re in a family of a few people as you perform to a crowd of 8 thousand.  Arena shows and massives you never see that.

10. Do you feel, think or believe that the music industry embraces this genre of music and has an avenue(s) for it?
     They always will embrace it, and push it because it makes the big corporate labels LOTS of money. They will just do it behind closed doors. They are slowly pushing it more and more to the pop sounds - putting house and trance elements and even now 4 on the floor club drum patterns into the music.

11. Do you believe that the world will ever embrace this style of music and the mentality behind it?
     Look at Taio Cruz, Rihanna’s new single, even Britney Spears just did a dub-step tune. It’s already out to the masses. Lady Gaga made it ok to just DANCE after all, she brought the modern club movement to the mainstream. It excites me to see it, because the mainstream clubs have pushed me aside so long, saying my music would never take there. 

     It’s kind of funny to hear them play “dynamite” which is by all technicalities, Happy Hardcore slowed down.  We’re in the same industry, doing the same thing. I just speed it up.  The bigger picture makes me giggle in knowing that soon those same ears will take to Happy Hardcore in the future because they’re already listening to it in another form.

12. What is your overall mission and or what do you hope to accomplish with these events? 
     I want to fight to keep this PLUR movement going. I had no idea what I was the catalyst for when I wrote these anthems then, but Im determined to create a new music and new shows to inspire a whole new generation, and bring people to my planet for awhile. Alpha Centauri is a wonderful colorful place filled with 180-bpm music. With enough speaker power and lasers we can all be magically teleported there ;-)

 13. Why do you believe the kids that come to this music and genre come to (Hardcore Rave) instead of other music? 
     There’s something about Hardcore/Hardstyle and Happy Hardcore in particular that just busts through all your barriers - grabs your soul and just makes you feel like everything is going to be ok. It uplifts the spirit, and takes you on a journey.

     People want to be told a story, and even more so feel apart of that story. And that’s what Hardcore is. It’s a collective story, a captured celebration of that moment where you reach up your hands, feel that bass/drums/guitar/song hit your heart and you swear you can fly.  It’s that moment, digitized, for 6-8 hours.

14. What have been your experiences on the road over the years you have traveled? 
     Ohhh so many it would take up pages. But overall every local scene I’ve been lucky to have been pulled into and perform for, it’s all the same. People who are gathering together to celebrate their friends and their DJs, and their scene. I’ve had so many experiences meeting amazing up and coming artists who later are on the charts - or I hear their mix or song online on some streaming station. It’s amazing what support can do. 

     Don’t ever forget that - we are here because YOU put us here. And you are our world, our reason for battling the mainstream. Rave is a celebration of a bunch of crazy ballsy people coming together to put on an event. They listen to their crowds to hear what would make them come and dance their asses off. YOU are the ones with the power. NOT the record labels. And that’s the magic of rave - it’s about YOU. The entire time. I’ve seen that it’s a global phenomenon, and it’s wonderful. 

Thank You Gen. Zoe VanWest for your time and also taking the time in answering some questions.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Orginally Written: September 2010
Revised and Reposted: July 2011

I have listened to quite a great variety of music and musical styles over my years, here within this world, and the new solo album “Avalon” by Godsmack front man “Sully Erna” is nothing short of an absolute musical masterpiece. There are almost no words to express how this album has personally moved me and touched my very soul. Although I will do my best to bring you into the world that is “Avalon.”     

It starts in the liner notes of the CD, with a very personal message from “Sully Erna” himself, about his thoughts and philosophies on music. The music within this album though brings that message full circle. Contained within this album are the Sounds of the World, and possibly of the Universe. This album contains (to me) a roadmap to one’s own soul, a personal journey of discovery and enlightenment and deep thought.  

The title track “Avalon” takes you into a world of mesmerizing wonder and sound. Sounding as if it was almost recorded in a time and place forgotten long, long ago.

As we continue our journey deeper into the reaches of the universe we are accompanied by a clock ticking the seconds away as we travel as the music of track two “7 Years” comes rushing in helping us to pick up more velocity for our journey. The guitar seemingly plays a rather somber bittersweet haunting melody, taking our minds to a place in time long ago left behind for some reason we have yet to understand.

As we listen the intensity increasingly builds as we gather speed, watching now the stars fly by us abreak neck speed, we hear the sounds of "Soul Strings"  from a Violin played so hauntingly beautiful you can't help but be mesmerized by its sounds, we also listen to the Tribal Drumming that speaks to the beat of our own hearts and souls reaching back to a primalness within us, and again the Haunting Guitar Riffs that carry us forward with such intensity, they will not let go.

All of this building upon the messages of personal philosophies on life and living that speak right along with each and every one of us and shake our very souls to the core while we listen and reflect on our own "7 year" personal journeies.

We pick up our speed as we begin to break through the very fabric of time itself, we seem to be looking back over the past, & at the very same moment, we are looking into the future as our journey takes us further into the recesses of the universe & time, the journey is wondrous so far. Let the Music of "7 Years" carry you along.

We now slow down our speed, for a few moments to catch our breath, as a Haunting Piano seems to enrapture our senses with a hauntingness that wraps our souls in a cloak of pain not felt for some time, as we listen to the pain, and strength, within the strings playing on Track three that is “Broken Road.”

Has anyone ever been here at this point in their own life before? It is okay if you have, this journey is for you. You are truly not alone. Let the pain come forth, this is your release, never feel your on a "BROKEN ROAD" again. Our journey in life is long and painful, and we all must suffer along the way, sometimes alone to see the triumph at the end, so they say. Keep your strength and never give up. Feel the music surge through you. This is your time to stare straight into your past, and let the regrets you have go.

Let us head onward as our journey now starts to once again pick up speed with Track four “Sinner’s Prayer” Once again “Tribal drums” start us out, as they capture the sound, as we are brought to a place of reflection, to look back upon where we have come from, and who we are currently, and maybe where we are headed now.

The “Violin” & “Tribal Chanting” seem to speak of a message from a different time and place. How many of you feel the strength and the power within this song? Can you see your soul through the devil's eyes? Is your time up? Are you looking at your very own soul? Is Heaven truly closed for some of us for what we have done during our time on earth? What have you done? Are you "Sinner" seeking your eternal redemption and forgiveness?

Track five is where we find ourselves now called “My Light”, it is a view up above the clouds almost looking down from the moon or even heaven above. sit for awhile, and chat amongst the stars. They are listening to you tell your story. Listen closely, speak wisely and insightfully, and look out over the world and let you heart and soul reach out to the stars around you, let them shine their light on you. You have been chosen for a reason.

"AVALON" takes you upon a journey into your own self, mind, body, spirit, and soul. The music contained within this record is simply a musical masterpiece, and I am certain you will find your own self within it.

Experience the beauty, the magic, the magnitude, and the wonder called “Avalon” and in your own ways, find the beauty and serenity within this album into your own life. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

Remember this, our souls have walked upon this Universe for quite some time. Listen to what they wish to share with you, it is their story that has been written and theirs to tell. Remember your story is just now being written. Let your story be something good that is left behind for the universe to remember and talk about forever.



Originally Written: September 2010
Revised and Reposted: July 2011

I am now in current possession of the new disturbed “Asylum” album, and folks, what I can tell you is this; this is disturbed at their absolute best since their debut album. 

The new album is a straight-line punch to your face! An absolute assault and firefight on your senses, with a unyielding resolve of pain and torture, that screams out in sheer power, in that it builds in with a crescendo and then almost all at once, the bottom falls out, the roof is obliterated into nothingness, and you and your senses are then taken into a world that in many ways mimics the mind of intelligence and insanity!

You are transported into an Apocalyptic nightmare and this is the soundtrack to your own journey through that unknown world, and also through the world of insanity, in which many have died within as an unfortunate prison. 

Note worthy tracks that stand out currently are the title track “Asylum” insanity at its truest moments with the power to literally rip anything and everything standing in your way apart. 

For those who have military service “Warrior” is another stand out track that will give you the feeling of power within you to go and shred apart any enemy that stands in your way. “The chorus for “Warrior” reads like a battle cry for every soldier who has ever graced a battle field in any theater in the world and states with no uncertain affect “I’m one with the warrior inside” “My dominance can’t be denied” Your entire world will turn /into a battlefield tonight” 

The one track that really stood out to me  (I am currently listening to again as I write this) is a track called “Crucified” and it is speaking directly to the deepest parts of the human psyche and of the human soul that each one of us possess within us. Listen closely and you can hear all of us who have done so much for so many for so long with so little, and hear hearts breaking and souls shattering. In a way it is a bit therapeutic so definitely check this track out.

I can’t seem to articulate more words for this track because my Heart and my Soul now feel at peace and at ease within the Universe at the moment. Enjoy it. One other track here for me of great interest is called “Sacrifice” it is extremely Soul Cleansing and Healing, definitely another check out track for all of you!

This album is a straight to your face, jusggernaut, super-explosion of just hard metal that you should experience first hand. This truly is the soundtrack to INSANITY!


- JB

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Metrocon 2011 "CLUB METRO" Rave Party Adventure

Hello everyone, JB here with all of you again, and do I have an adventure to tell you.

As some of you may know, I am a traveler. I have been my entire life. I've been to a great number of places all over the world, and I have seen a great many of sites in my time. Recently though, my great friends from "PLANET RAVE" in the Alpha Centauri Solar Star System, contacted me and said that I needed to come and visit with them again, as it had been much too long since I last came to see them. 

Now as many of you may or may not know, Space Travel is EXTREMELY expensive, even for the most wealthy of individuals, not to mention its a logistical nightmare, and takes a great deal of time to plan, put together, execute, and fully complete. 

Fortunately enough for me, my friends from beyond the stars knew this, and that this was a potential problem for me to travel to see them, and being the all knowing beings of higher intelligence they are, they decided to help me out. They returned back to earth. 

And as luck would have it, they invited me to a very special event, they would be hosting.

The event was called "METROCON 2011" and within that event, was another event, their event titled "CLUB METRO RAVE!" This event was one of the Craziest, and Wildest events this traveler has ever witnessed or even been a part of. 

The "Club Metro" Rave Party was the Alpha Centaurians way of giving a musical gift to our world on one special night. Let's face it, being from "PLANET RAVE" there is one main thing they do, and they do it well. That is to RAVE & PARTY!!! This Rave Party was Absolutely Incredible. 

It was incredible for many different reasons. Not only the lights and sounds, and fellow "PLANET RAVE" beings here on Earth but, I was asked by the IMMORTAL one herself, the Goddess of Rave "General Zoe VanWest" to document this event for posterity and historical purposes, as this would be a night unlike any other, were the skies would open, and the Galaxies above us would be playing and singing at full volume to the Earth. 

I was truly honored and humbled to fulfill such a request. And little did I know that on this night, I would be fully assimilated into their culture and into their world. Who would have known, that such Advanced Intelligent beings from beyond on our own skies would need documentation, and would even ask a mere traveler of space and time to document this, but as many of you may know me personally or well enough, you know I will never turn someone down that requests my help. It's in my nature to help where I can.

They did not disappoint. On the night of June 17th 2011, the skies opened and the galaxy itself answered the call. There were beings in attendance from all over the Universe, of all shapes, sizes, colors, styles, and everything in between. It is hard to describe what happened next, as I cannot formulate the words properly enough to explain the beauty that was enrapturing me. 

The amazing sights, the powerful sounds, the lights so bright, and the fellow "PLANET RAVE" beings so loud with the music, I could not believe what I was hearing on this night. The Energy Surged through me and my body with a force so strong that at moments it was deafening.

It's almost as if the music and the crowd finally overtook me, & my soul was finally free & one with the music all within this moment. It was almost like the Alpha Centaurians had transformed me into one of their own for a moment, and I was able to see the world around them the way they see it when looking at ours. 

The performances by the Star Systems own "HELLBUNNY Go-Go Dance Troupe" were mesmerizing and breathtaking, as I watched General Zoe VanWest take the helm, and lead them through and control the crowd. I was and always will be in true awe of her commanding presence, beauty, grace, poise, and charm. It is truly a sight to behold.

The party lasted what seemed like a lifetime but was over, it seemed almost as quickly as it all began. Before I knew what was happening I was saying goodbye to my friends from beyond our own skies. Now I know I will see them again, but its always a sad moment to see them leave and for me to say goodbye. 

They were so impressed with the RAVERS here on Earth, a faction of their own people from long ago, when the first generation of Alpha Centaurians first landed on Earth many eons ago, and even though they are in human bodies and more human than Alpha Centaurians, the current Alpha Centaurians can still sense their long aged "RAVE/PARTY" mentalities still beating away to every beat of a drum within their minds, hearts, and souls. 

It was so impressive to them, that they have announced that they are coming back to give another musical gift in November of 2011 to Earth in the form of their highest party and honor, "KABOOM" at ShadoCon 2011.

Now this is a party you DO NOT & CANNOT miss! Everyone from across the Stars and the Universe will be at this party, and you should too! I will be there as well capturing all the magic and wonder.

Well my friends, I'm about to take off for another trip to somewhere out there within the Cosmos of our Universe, so until next time:

Keep the Music Alive and Always Listen to the Stars! The Galaxies Sing to All of Us, Will You be Listening for the Frequencies? Just Look up and Listen to the Stars. The Music is Beautiful and Heavenly!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Arch Enemy "KHAOS LEGIONS" Album Review

Hello Everyone JB BROCK here with you today, and WOW, have I got a killer NEW CD Review for all of you!

          First in today's blog review I bring to you the extreme sound of Arch Enemy & their new record "KHAOS LEGIONS." This record is the first from Arch Enemy since 2009 and it (in this writers and reviewers opinion) is there strongest album to date! Khaos Legion paints a very vividly colorful portrait of where we are now within our society and, where we may be headed, should things continue on the path they are currently on within our world.

Track #1: Khaos Overture: The first track here is what really sets the story of this album in motion. From the beginning you hear the guitar build into a frenzied crescendo of sounds and as the drums take over and come more into play you feel the energy, the tidal wave that is coming, the sounds of life reigning out of control, the sirens that are whaling in the background, it is all building into that moment when society and the world are about to rip apart as the powder-keg of the world's instability is finally ready to explode, then a brief respite of silence, as you listen to the message at the end painting for you first hand the impending danger looming and what is and will be rising from all of the aftermath, this is KHAOS LEGIONS!"

Track #2: Yesterday is Dead and Gone: As this track opens you realize from the Intensity, that quite literally, the doorway to HELL itself has now been opened and what is streaming and spewing forth is making its way across the world at break neck speed with intensity the likes of which have never been witnessed or seen before on this planet, in this modern day world society. The screams of those burning in the fires, those who never had a voice before when they were alive, those who have suffered for so long, have now been given the power to finally unleash all of their pain, hatred, anger, aggression and torment, the power is so black, and dark, with so much fire and heat, it just consumes you and won't let go. Simply put, Yesterday is Dead and Gone.

Track #3: Bloodstained Cross: This track is just a straight to your face direct hit of pure metal fury. Listening along you can now feel the power of Armageddon as its reaching heights never before seen, the sirens in the beginning were and are your warning as to the danger coming forth your way, the world is becoming more and more enraptured, with the Khaos Legions, as they are assembling, and the great war of humanity is about to begin. Those of the religious sects and beliefs, only have a "Bloodstained Cross" to cling onto as they themselves are swept away, even with what they believed would save them from this war. The great battle of this world begins to take shape. A moment of more silent and tranquil reflection comes in to play, sort of as a calm before the storm starts to erupt again. Are you ready?

Track #4: Under Black Flags We March: As this track starts and comes into full volume you can feel the quietness of the Legions coming together and the forming of the battalions eroding away. The guitars themselves paint the picture coming forth once again. The drums themselves paint the rest of the story, that the Khaos Legions have now amassed and are now beginning to make their way forward all while "Under Black Flags We March." The lines have been drawn, the sides have been chosen, the war is now starting. The few of those of Humanity as we know it today, are the ones who are quickly turning and joining the Khaos Legions or will fight and become part of the resistance to try and save humanity and its ideas, their deaths while sad and unnecessary will be unfortunate collateral damage as all wars before them have brought. The sound of this song builds the momentum.

Track #5: No Gods, No Masters: We listen closely as there is no one spiritual being or entity to help us. The message of this song, is not to rely on the so called "GOD" or "GODS" above, or even religion to help or interfere in anyway within your own life and personal struggles. We, I and You, have all been placed here on this Earth Planet, in a form of "HELL ON EARTH" if you will, as a proving ground, to see just what we are made of and to test us as well as to what we as Humans are made of. As we listen to the main chorus of the song "I am who I am, take it or leave it, a rebel at heart, No Gods, No Masters, My Time Has Come." Will you be the master of your own destiny, or will it be of your own destruction?"

Track #6: City of the Dead: With this track, we are welcomed back to that place that most of us have visited or have been at, at one time or another, or are currently within in our own personal lives. We listen to the haunting voices of ages of time itself calling out from the depths of the past, at the beginning of the track as we take that first step back into our own souls and into the recesses of our our own minds. The music kicks in, like a gunblast to a light switch and turns on the lights from the darkness we have been walking through, within our own individual lives, with the many things that have either, caused us pain, and as some of us may have caused pain to others, we now see what has happened and start to see the aftermath of the destruction we have and may still continue to create or that has been created for not only ourselves but one another. Will you rise from the "CITY OF THE DEAD" and make your way above back to the living?

Track #7: Through the Eyes of a Raven: The music itself on this track is very dark and forbidding even by Arch Enemy's usual standards. It is definitely great to see them expanding their musical creativity to new heights and extremes, (I myself) am highly impressed to see them take their creativity musically and sonically this far. This track seems to talk of the humanity and essence of humanity that has been lost within our society currently. Just as black as a Raven's feathers are, this track speaks to the evil and destruction that seems to follow mankind. It is truly an excellent track, a definite highly recommended track to listen to with a surprise twist at the end, a moment of reflection if you will. "Let the Raven Strike!"

Track #8: Cruelty Without Beauty: As we are now within the actual body of the record we come to a place where the great battle is raging at full power musically. There are not much in the way of lyrics here, but as for what there are, they paint a picture of the creatures of the Khaos Legions speaking to us as they fight, we can hear from the lyrics if you will, the thoughts of the fighters as they battle, almost sharing one collective mind, all while each individual voice screams out in pain, anger, torment, horror, and agony. The power here is truly immense and chaotic. Hold on everyone as we go further into the battle, prepare to see first hand the price of war that is waged, "Cruelty Without Beauty."

Track #9: We Are a Godless Entity:  We are now at a moment on this record where we find an instrumental moment complete and divine. This is where we are in the minds of all who are fighting for humanity and for other causes. This is the moment of shell shock you see soldiers and warriors face in the heat of battle within the war. This is where the battle itself slows down into a slow-motion state and you can feel your heartbeat, and sense everything around and amongst you, as you take a 360 panoramic view while catching your breath. However its only for a moment as we dive back into the war, the music here is truly beautiful for this moment. Another great track indeed.

Track #10: Cult of Chaos: Hold on everyone, we are going right back into battle. On this track the music here is nothing but machine gun fire hell fury. Listen to the battle cry, "WE ARE LEGION." The rounds are exploding the speed is intense, the war is at 110% full power. There is no turning back now you must fight to live, or stand your ground and die! You can only "BE AS FREE AS YOU CAN BE." Here the calls from the battle commanders being called out, protect everyone you can, hold you ground men, do not let up, do not back down, keep fighting, bring hell to the enemy! An excellent track here indeed, with moments of pure musical magic, that Arch Enemy have been known for, and they do not disappoint here!

Track #11 Thorns In My Flesh: We are now hitting on all twelve cylinders, there is no letting up now, the guns are firing, the bombs are going off, the music is coming at you at a crazy unheard of speed, its just relentless. The shrapnel is coming as fast as possible soldiers and warriors are being ripped into and apart, there is blood everywhere. You soldier though will not back down, "YOU CONTROL YOUR DESTINY." The battle is raging onward. Musically it is incredible the picture it paints, this song is one of Arch Enemy's finest.

Track #12 Turn To Dust (Instrumental): For now we reach the precipice of the battle the smoke is now starting to clear. We now start to see just where we have come from and the destruction we have laid within our wake and that has been laid before us. Now we see the apocalyptic winter wasteland before us, sadly it is not over. The music on this track is as beautiful to listen to as it is haunting in the picture that it paints.

Track #13 Vengeance Is Mine: One final battle, this is for all or nothing. The speed here is at break neck super strike levels, and now you must win, everything else is lost, this is the moment when you must lay it all on the line, they are counting on you soldier. This is your chance to set all that is wrong right! You have the key, the road is clearing, your sights are set, take careful aim, and fire when ready. May the Heavens above watching make sure to guide your shot straight and true for battle and glory, for this battle will determine everything! Here the call "VENGEANCE IS MINE!" Musically crafted as another metal masterpiece, the sped and fury know no end.

Track #14 Secrets: We are now at the end of this war. But there is something that all of you should know. "I HAVE A SECRET  I JUST CAN'T TELL, I HAVE CREATED MY OWN HELL." Does that sound familiar to you? Is the battle we have just fought the true apocalypse, or is it the war we wage everyday with one another, or even personally in order to live and to survive? We all have "SECRETS" & Skeletons within our own closets. How will you let them control you or over take who you are? Will you? Will you battle them? Will you win or will you lose? Are the Secrets you hold within even that meaningful? Only you have the answer!

Well everyone I hope you have enjoyed the journey thus far on Arch Enemy's newest album "KHAOS LEGIONS." In this writers opinion, this is a truly remarkable album, and a personal best from Arch Enemy and crew. I (myself) cannot wait to see them live as they head out on full tour to support this album. Hopefully they will be coming to a town near you, and if they come this way, well you know I will be there to capture every moment of it, and may even talk with Arch Enemy if possible!

Keep the Metal alive everyone, and until next time \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ HORNS UP!!!!