Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A New Threat for Artists From the Inner Workings of the Music Industry!

In any and every industry, there are things, which go bump in the day and the night. Sometimes these very things are good in nature, and wish to do nothing more than help us along our way, in the journey through process on our way to the long standing goal line that awaits us, at the end of our long journey. Then sometimes, there are things out there, in which wish us nothing but harm, these very ideas, practices, and processes are created in the minds of people who literally seek the destruction of one’s own self and dreams in less than a blink of an eye. Today I bring you one of the not so popular, well wishing anyone ideas from the recesses of the music industry.
“The 360’ Deal”
In the world of the entertainment industry, lays a facet of the industry that we all enjoy. This facet is known as the Music Industry. The music industry is a continually evolving entity. As one generation of music and its fans goes away another one comes in, and there are people in the industry that every so often try and predict trends, analyze music buyer patterns, and overall, try to create a more music buyer friendly consumer market. Within the industry though, there are those who wish nothing more than to take advantage, wherever they can.
Money and Greed are powerful entities that rule the entertainment industry with an iron grip. The music industry is no exception, leading to a yearly economic growth of more than $30 Billion dollars a year. Year after year, for many and numerous reasons, artists, musicians, bands, and so on bring their views of the world to all of us in different forms. Whether it’s a club banging Hip/Hop song to make every one feel good, and shake their booties, all the way down to the next pop smash hit to make an unknown star an overnight sensation and take the world by storm, including everything and everyone in this industry in between.
With that said the Music Industry, specifically Record Labels, have found a new way to capitalize on the ideas and creations of many to utilize them to their own greed laced ways, and try to drawn in even more financially into their already overstuffed, overloaded pockets. “The 360’ Deal.”
The “360’ Deal” started by Conglomerate Recording Giant “LiveNation” in 2007 & 2008 only benefits the Record Label that engages in this type of contract. Yet many artists are unaware of the control they are giving up over their creations, and the damage they will inflict on their very own souls.
The “360’ Deal”, is simple, yet deadly in its design to anyone signed to it as an artist within the music industry. I will lay it out here very simple. In the “360’ Deal” an Artist, Band, Solo Artist, Musician, signs away almost all of their rights over their projects. The record label issues a contract that you sign, with lots of dollar signs usually, and in turn this is what they receive from you. They will take a cut, or portion, of everything you make financially. Everything from the Music Videos you cut for singles, Performances you do within and around the world, Online sales of any albums and Merchandise sales, plus any Promotions that you may have had a hand in developing for your own campaign, so on and so forth. They have this power over you for 10 years! You cannot break this contract. Part of what you make will essentially be yours in this time period and the other part will not. You will also have limited creative input in your own projects. All decisions will be made above your head, with or without your say.
So let me give you the math break down of this deal. Let’s say that you work for a record label, and you make $11 Million Dollars in sales for them. Let’s also say that they advanced you $1 Million Dollars up front.
Now the $1 Million Advance Upfront has to cover costs that you as the Recording Artist incur. The first $500,000 is the average price you will use to record your album. You then have the other $500,000 left over. Well let’s say you pay your manager 20% Commission for the year, so he or she will see $100,000 Dollars in payment for that year. Of course you will have lawyers, and they are usually paid somewhere in the range of $25,000 Dollars per year for their services. Yes folks, even when you are signed to a major label, you usually will almost always incur the costs associated with these individuals, not the label, they are on your team, so it is your responsibility.
So now you have $375,000 Dollars left to split between 4 people after all of these costs in the beginning. After personal income tax, yes folks, you have to pay tax on the money you earn, as this is seen as income by the I.R.S., you will then have $243,750 Dollars to split between 4 people. If you take the $243,750 Dollars and divide this between an average of 4 people that are usually in a band, each member in the band will take home a grand total of $60,937 Dollars.
Congratulations everyone, and for all of your hard work and sacrifice. You may have made your record label $11 Million Dollars, and all you will see of it will be $60,937 Dollars for the year. Not to mention the personal income tax that you and or each band member will be personally taxed each year on that principle amount.
The math starts to get a bit complicated and convoluted when you really get into it but, it comes out to a range of around $23.40 you will be paid from your major record label per every $1000 Dollars you make for them in the course of this “360’ Deal.” Sounds like a rather unique idea, if you’re on the inside. If you are on the outside, well good luck as you signed this deal and you are locked into it for 10 years. Now I know what you are all probably saying, I will just go to court and have them help me to break the contract. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! The costs associated with trying to break this  ”360’ Deal” exceed $100 Million Dollars on an average. Do any of you have that kind of money???
Be aware of this and many other things that go bump in the night in the industry of Music and the Entertainment Industry. It’s all up to you!
 - JB Brock

Saturday, October 30, 2010

KABOOM! 2010

KABOOM is not just a party; a way of life, KABOOM is an experience unlike any other seen on planet earth.

Earth Date 10:29:2010 A.D. 

Earth has made first contact with a Unique Species of Alien Creatures that hail from the Alpha Centauri Star System not too far away from us from a world called “ PLANET RAVE.”  It is a world where the party never stops and the music never ends! I know because I have been transported here by them and I am honored that for that on this night, and as such they honorably grace us and allow me the privilege to explain to all of you the sounds of their incredible home world. 

The people of this world here, are truly loving and embracing of this “Gothic Cowboy” and my unique look (which I will explain later). 

The Sounds and Music that emulate from this party are so uplifting, beat-driven, positive, powerful, and cosmic, they are literally beyond anything us as human beings can comprehend, sounds that will make you move in ways you never thought possible or have only envisioned within your own dreams and or mind.

Follow me as we make our way into the world and the party of the century from the most incredible place in our universe itself. This is KABOOM! 

As I make my way in deeper into the party I meet the Leader and Gracious Host who has brought these sounds to earth and to me for so long the Incredible, Legendary, Immortal One herself “ZOE VAN WEST!”

Now for a good amount of time me and ZOE OR “ZOE BOT” as she is happily known to many of her people have known one another, and on this night we finally meet face to face, and she is truly as beautiful as the universe itself with a smile, energy level, and spirit, as amazing and beautiful and full of life as is the party itself! RAVE is her and she is RAVE, all of which, is at its ultimate finest hour, and truly humbling in this Space Traveler’s opinion. PLUR is the universal message of “Peace, Love, Respect, and Understanding”

The Goddess that is "Zoe Van West" embodies this message of "PLUR" in everything she does, and every part of who she is!!! Words are hard to describe this, it’s an experience not for the faint of heart, but definitely something everyone would truly benefit from.

As we listen closely to the music of the universal party we are greeted with the sounds of a new artist only known as” DJ Rorok” and this music has this party going in full time and step and it’s only just begun! The music coming from this artist is truly incredible and mesmerizing. The crowd is electric!

The sounds and the lights are picking up the pace and all of the sudden sirens ablaze it is now time for an old friend to take the stage and the people are going even harder and more crazy for the artist known simply as “DJ Shadow Fax!” This artist brings a unique sound that at times is powerful and at moments such as this with “Big Sky” takes us into what I call a “Dream-Vibe” world almost taking us into another place. With the set continuing it’s as if we have been taken to another astral plane over looking the universe itself.

I am going to take a moment though and tell you that we cannot forget the ones who keep all of the “RAVERS” as they call themselves, the inhabitants of this planet and party going, the lovely, the beautiful, the dark and the sometimes deadly, “HellBunny Go-Go Dance Troop!” These ladies are amazing and the energy they reflect and then send back out to everyone here is truly breathtaking and amazing. Their energy is relentless, electric, and simply out of this world! 

I have been honorably privileged on this night to meet their leader, their colonel, their commander, and a personal friend of mine known as the “HellBunny Queen” herself “Jessi Firefly!” Words I do not believe can describe the beauty and poise of Cmdr. Firefly with her never ending unyielding energy, the light of her soul, and brightness of her smile. If you ever find yourself in her presence you are in the presence of the essence of “Planet Rave” itself!!!

Aforementioned earlier it seemed that my appearance which can be stated as being “Wickedly Dark” was a new an appreciated sight, as I was privy to many positive comments from the time I arrived within the party and was immediately embraced by all within the world of “RAVE” on this night.

We continue on with the sounds of “DJ Shadow Fax” and one song of great value to me that really captivated me was a remix of “Oceanlab” and their song “On a good day” the remix to this classic dance hit was almost “Other-Worldly” as I would call it. Seemingly melancholy in its melody but at the same time almost “therapeutic & happy” with the driving force of the remix behind it. Another track of note here was one with the universal message “Impecto Victus” which has a beat of relentlessness behind it and definitely re-invigorated the crowds back to life once again.

It is now time for the “Immortal one” herself “Zoe Van West” to take the stage and she herself brings the literal original sounds that gave birth to the sound which is “Happy Hardcore” and the essence which is “Planet Rave.” Her musical set is as “incredible and other-worldly” as only one can imagine when in her presence, her voice is that of an angel with emotion back heart, and vocals which are as deep as the universe is wide. I myself as a guest and traveler to and of their world was humbled and honored to be in the presence of this angel of “RAVE” truly and indescribable performance of such great cosmic magnitude. The crowd is now truly 110% electrified to a deafening sound that is indescribable!!!

Well readers this journey and party were truly remarkable and almost could not be conveyed into words easily. There were so many great sounds that I cannot even list them all here, and like all good things, this party came to an end for this traveler, as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity within KABOOM!

Everyone on “PLANET RAVE” seemed to be in a state of mind that this traveler has never experienced before out of his dreams. The Sights, The Lights, and The Sounds, were truly incredible. I was then extended an open invitation to come back again and again to future parties by the people of “Planet Rave” by the Goddess leader herself “Zoe Van West!” I was also presented with one of their utmost highest honored gifts in the form of a as they call it “Kandie Bracelet” from Cmdr. Firefly of the “HellBunny Go-Go Dance Troop.” I was truly honored and humbled that such a gift could be given to me, an outsider from beyond their world, but the love that was shown here to me on this night by all of them, seems to know no bounds.

I am now back on back on Planet Earth” with many new friends and new memories that this traveler will not soon forget, so if you ever look up to the sky on a dark night or find yourself hearing dance music out of nowhere, somewhere within the night in your travels around the world, know that the Alpha Centauri Star System & the World known as “Planet Rave” is in full swing and effect and is calling out to you and your heart and soul, as it plays its hypnotic music and sounds throughout the universe.


 - JB Brock

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Birthday and Kenny Chesney Music Review

Hey Everyone, JB here with you again…

WOW, once again everyone, time has been flying by so fast lately since I last caught up with all of you. As I sit here today and write this blog to all of you, it is now the day after my birthday, it seems like it just came up out of nowhere and then in the blink of an eye was gone before it really got going good, (although I think we all believe that about our own birthdays respectively), so first off, to those of you who sent me Happy Birthday wishes, I personally thank each and every one of you truly, & deeply, from the bottom of my heart for those wishes, and I appreciate each one of them, it means more to me than you may ever know. And while my birthday may not have turned out exactly how I had planned for it to go, I still made it a blast as much as possible, and I plan for more excitement in the future to come, and I hope each and everyone of you plan on joining this “WILDMAN” for the adventures that lie ahead of us, while I can’t see what lies up around the bend, I believe its going to be something great and totally awesome!

On to the music reviews… this will be a two-part blog review

Today were going to start out with the new album by the Current Main Man of country and the Island Boy himself, Kenny Chesney and his new album "Hemingway’s Whiskey." It's an interesting title in being so well know to so many of us who know the famous Hemingway’s writings and books and how they seemed to carry us off to a place within the pages of his novels that seemed at that time, to be places in which you could find only in your dreams but yet, was actually right in our own backyard here in Florida and down in the Florida Key’s. There is a lot of magic down in the Florida Key’s some of which, I can tell you about myself from personal experiences. I’ve lived in Florida on and off a lot of my life and still currently travel quite a great deal all over the world, and yet no matter where I am at whether it is here in this state or away in my traveling, I always seem to think back to the good weather, and I can just look up when I'm near the coast, or even when I'm inland and I see some of the most beautiful skies and sunsets in the world here in Florida, it's enough to take your breath away and can show you just how beautiful life is. Although this title seems to mean a lot to Kenny Chesney himself as well as an avid Hemingway fan and becomes evident when listening to this album.

We’ll start out with the track “Live A Little” a rockous little rock out track with some country roots that seems to be geared towards those of us who seem to work just a little to much in our lives and within the song we find that some of us and eventually all of us finally hit that realization, that there is a bit of fun out there to be had even during our current troubled times, and that even with everything going on in our own lives and the stresses we face, the work we have to do everyday that, we need to as Kenny sings, “take some time and waste it on number one.”

Next up is a track with a sort of similar musical styling to “Live A Little” that I enjoy called “Coastal” it talks about that life we all desire our whole lives, and that we work so hard towards during our youth, and wish we could have in during our youth, when we would love to enjoy it, when you’ve finally just worked so hard and can’t give anymore well like it says “Hey, you gotta watch that man, He’ll go Coastal on ya!!!”

Following all of that island lifestyle awesome goodness, we then slow things down for a little bit to go down an old familiar yet comforting road into a country song that has some of the most sincerity, passion, pain, and heartbreak of any country song written in today’s or from country music’s yesterday. This track is called “You and Tequila” and features guest singer “Grace Potter.” This song talks about a love that has long since passed away with the sands of time, at least where most everyone else is concerned but not within the heart of the soul, which alone is a very hard place to erase love from. The soul of one’s own self is a power so deep and true that not even the pain of heartbreak can extinguish it.

Now I’m not going to go into personal experiences of what, why or even how I can relate to this song, but I will tell you this, turn this song on, turn your mind off, and go back to that place where it all made sense and it all went wrong, all at once, open up your heart and soul and let this song wash over all the hurt and pain that you may still have within you, as it sings, “You and Tequila make me crazy, run like poison through my blood” and then you will understand the subtlety of the meaning of “it’s always your favorite sins that do you in” trust me on this my friends, it may and probably will hurt for a little while again, to remember these times in your life from long long ago, depending on what happened to you but, after a listen or two to this song, you will find some comfort in these lyrics. I’ve spent a lot of nights staring at the moon and the stars in the sky contemplating life, love and the meaning of, all with a bottle or two of tequila by my side, and it is truly never enough. So you’re not alone.

We then head on down the road back a little further into our past with a track called “Where I Grew Up.” Now for myself, I’m not old, but not young young, and I’ve definitely still got a whole lot of living left to do in this world but, I can say that there are and have been times where I wish I could go back to when I was little boy and re-live those days over again, I’ve left this place numerous times and always enjoy being on my own doing me and my thing, and although I grew up in a lot of different places, and I feel like I’ve left a little piece of myself behind in each place, but reflecting on this song, I am certain we all can say this. You never really realize with our crazy hectic stress filled rat-race lives just how fast time really goes by and when you finally stop and think about you won’t believe what your mind goes back too from days gone by. So listen carefully as we progress through this track because then we come to that point in life a lot of us hit where we find that someone special and then it all comes flooding back in. Never take what you have for granted, you don’t know how lucky you’ve got it until its all gone. Father Time can be very cruel or wonderful; I hope for all of your sakes its good to you.

We then pick up the tempo once again and continue carrying that last idea or thought with the track called ”Reality” in which that, we can’t take life for granted and we’ve got to stop and smell the “proverbial” roses if you will sometimes, try and see the better things that there are in life and all of the fun we could have in life if we just give it half a chance, sometimes taking those chances and those blind leaps of faith like it sings our soundtrack to guide us: “Reality, yeah sometimes life Ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be” “So let’s take this chance and live this fantasy” “Cause Everybody needs to break free from reality” and while it may seem scary at first with those leaps into the unknown they usually workout  in the end, better for us than we could have ever expected or hoped for, definitely a track worth checking out.

For one last track that I believe to be noteworthy on this album I will refer you to one of the bonus tracks “Ain’t Ever Going Back Again” 

The song is self-explanatory, I can say that I've been there and I am in the process of going back there to that state of mind again. It’s definitely a good feeling I can tell all of you that!

See you soon with Part 2.

 - JB

This is what is on my mind currently.

I only feel home when I am in constant motion and traveling down the road.
Where is home though?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hey Everyone, JB here with you again.

You know something here, recently it seems at least for a little while now; I have been in a real weird way of an “Old School Punk Rock” kind of mood lately.

I assume with my ever evolving listening and still continuing love of the bands from my youth more and more, it seems that lately that’s what I’ve been really listening to. Now I am not certain if it’s a sign of my age, or if its just a regression back to bands that still sound ahead of their time now almost 30 years later (at least to me), but I love them and this music is not only classic but timeless as well if you ask me. It takes me and maybe you if your listening to the bands listed here to a place back in time where it seemed like those people really felt and were going through what you and I were going through.

A seemingly simple voice for the down trodden, the ridiculed, the lost, and some who felt that there was no hope ever coming their way. I don’t know if those are accurate descriptions of what people (myself included) were feeling back then or now, but whenever I go back to these records and let them carry me away with their songs and melodies of teenage-ridden angst, anger and contempt for the system I feel alive again. Its almost  therapeutic, as if I am transported back to a time when it seemed like they knew what all of us were going through, like they were right there with us going through it too and we were all screaming together at the top of lungs so loudly not even the universe could deny our pain and anger. 

Now with all of that said and out of my system, I would love to hear some thoughts on this subject if you can relate to this, or if your old enough to remember back then and know what I am talking about, or even if your not and you listen to these bands currently.

List of bands include:
The Ramones
The Sex Pistols
The Adolescents
Suicidal Tendencies
Circle Jerks
Bad Brains
Minor Threat
Bad Religion
Black Flag
Dead Kennedy’s
Social Distortion
Agnostic Front
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

 - JB

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hey everyone, JB here with you again. Sorry it has been a little since my last posting.

Time just seems to get away from me anymore nowadays and I have been so busy lately out and about in the world recently. I wanted to take a moment and share with all of you one of my great unspoken passions in my own life.

It is the passion of Wrestling! Watching wrestling especially, which (Yes) does include, Independent Circuits, and the Pro Circuits, listed by the likes of the “WWE” & “TNA Wrestling.” These are nights when they are televised you will not catch me around unless I am working, and even then, I will be taping them. With all of that being said I will share with you also that I have been watching wrestling and going to matches, since I was a young boy, and have always enjoyed them immensely. One of my favorite wrestlers for the past 2 decades is none other than the Immortal One, The Phenom (known to some) the one and only “UNDERTAKER!!!”

As of last night on Friday Night Smackdown the “Immortal” story of the “Undertaker” and his brother “Kane” after all these years finally comes back around full circle. Last night for the first time in 6 years the “Father of Destruction” the man himself who started it all “Percy Pringle” a.k.a. the “Paul Bearer” finally returned! I don’t believe that the Arena where this happened and subsequently myself could have been happier or screamed any louder than when we saw Mr. Pringle himself! It has been much too long since we have had the pieces of this one true “Immortal” storyline before us, and now, it seems that it may unfortunately finally be coming down to the end of its historic life span.

Now I do not want to speculate on any one thing, especially being such a long time huge fan of the “Undertaker’s” and the former “Brother’s of Destruction” but, for the past few months that the “Undertaker” has been back since his “Untimely” vegetative condition that “Kane” found him in and then subsequently later told all of us he was responsible for, it seemed as if something did truly “Rob” the immortal one of his powers, and we were all starting to wonder up until last night, did “Kane” truly have the “Undertaker’s” powers??? That question was answered 10 fold and more by the return of “Paul Bearer & the “Urn of the Undertaker!” Last night was a re-invigoration, a re-birth if you will of the “Undertaker” and his powers from many years and moons ago. It seemed that the powers of hell had finally returned to their rightful place within the soul of the “Undertaker” Kane himself was witness to this first hand as Big Brother took the ring and demonstrated why he is still the one as he stated a few weeks ago “When I call, the Devil himself still answers to me Sir!!!” All of these events coming into a culmination that leads us back to where it started so many years ago, in the next Pay-Per-View WWE event being happily titled “HELL IN A CELL.” This  event alone is known as “The Devil’s Playground” and its where the “Undertaker himself is known to exceed in his abilities and his powers outside of the Legendary Wrestlemania, which is another story unto itself for another day and time. For those of you who may not be familiar with all of this “Wrestling Terminology”, “HELL IN A CELL” is a match literally created for the “Undertaker” so to speak. It is simply a “30-TON” steel re-enforced cage that comes down and locks to the ring, with no way out until only one is left standing. It is Demonic in its design and yet Simple in its idea. Recently, “Kane” issued a challenge to the “Undertaker” for a “Hell In A Cell” match at the HELL IN A CELL” event. I will say this from my time in the ring which was brief, if your “Foolish” enough to want to go into this event and let alone ask for a match with the one man who this event was created for, then by all means as I have heard, “May God Have Mercy On Your Soul.” Although if you have watched these events over any part of your life, then you know one thing about them, when you step into this event with the “Undertaker”, there is no god in existence that will hear your screams or rescue you.

As the “Undertaker” himself once said “Sometimes It Is Hell Trying To Get To Heaven!”

 - JB

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Music Reviews: Disturbed "Asylum" & Sully Erna "Avalon"

Can you believe we are already in the middle of September? Wow! The time is just flying by and can you feel it…in the air? There is just a hint that fall is on its way here. Before you know it the Holiday’s will be upon us, but I won’t get to far ahead right now. Okay so here we are a few weeks later.

I am now in current possession of the new disturbed “Asylum” album, and folks, what I can tell you is this; this is disturbed at their absolute best since their debut album. 

The new album is a straight-line punch to your face! An absolute assault and firefight on your senses, with a unyielding resolve of pain and torture, that screams out in sheer power, in that it builds in with a crescendo and then almost all at once, the bottom falls out, the roof is obliterated into nothingness, and you and your senses are then taken into a world that in many ways mimics the mind of intelligence and insanity! You are transported into an Apocalyptic nightmare and this is the soundtrack to your own journey through that unknown world, and also through the world of insanity, in which many have died within as an unfortunate prison. 

Note worthy tracks that stand out currently are the title track “Asylum” insanity at its truest moments with the power to literally rip anything and everything standing in your way apart. 

For those who have military service “Warrior” is another stand out track that will give you the feeling of power within you to go and shred apart any enemy that stands in your way. “The chorus for “Warrior” reads like a battle cry for every soldier who has ever graced a battle field in any theater in the world and states with no uncertain affect “I’m one with the warrior inside” “My dominance can’t be denied” Your entire world will turn /into a battlefield tonight” 

The one track that really stood out to me  (I am currently listening to again as I write this) is a track called “Crucified” and it is speaking directly to the deepest parts of the human psyche and of the human soul that each one of us possess within us. Listen closely and you can hear all of us who have done so much for so many for so long with so little, and hear hearts breaking and souls shattering. In a way it is a bit therapeutic so definitely check this track out, 

I can’t seem to articulate more words for this track because my Heart and my Soul now feel at peace and at ease within the Universe at the moment. Enjoy it. One other track here for me of great interest is called “Sacrifice” it is extremely Soul Cleansing and Healing, definitely another check out track for all of you!

What does music truly mean to you? 

I have listened to quite a great variety of music and musical styles over my years here within this world, and the new solo album “Avalon” by Godsmack front man “Sully Erna” is nothing short of an absolute musical masterpiece. There are almost no words to express how this album has personally moved me and touched my very soul. Although I will do my best to bring you into the world that is “Avalon.”     

It starts in the liner notes of the CD, with a very personal message from “Sully Erna” himself, about his thoughts and philosophies on music. The music within this album though brings that message full circle. Contained within this album are the sounds of the World, and possibly of the Universe. This album contains (to me) a roadmap to one’s own soul, a personal journey of discovery and enlightenment.  

The title track “Avalon” takes you into a world of mesmerizing wonder and sound. Sounding as if it was almost recorded in a time and place forgotten long, long ago.

As we continue our journey into the universe we are accompanied by the music of track two “7 Years” along our way. As we listen we hear the sounds of Tribal Drumming and Haunting Guitar Riffs, as well as personal philosophies abound that speak right along with us as we pick up our speed going through the very fabric of time, looking back over the past, & at the same moment look toward the future as our path takes us further into the recesses of the soul, the journey is wondrous so far.

We now slow down our speed for a few moments to catch our breath as a Haunting Piano seems to enrapture our senses and we listen to the pain and strength within Track three that is “Broken Road.” Has anyone ever been here at this point in their own life before? It is okay if you have, this part of our journey is for you.

Let us head on as our journey now starts to pick up speed again with Track four “Sinner’s Prayer” Once again “Tribal drums” capture the sound of this track along with a “Violin” & “Tribal Chanting” that seems to speak the message of our hearts and souls. Release this feeling and set yourself free! How many of you feel the strength within this song?

Track five is where we find ourselves now called “My Light”, it is a view up above the clouds almost looking down from the moon or even heaven above. Listen closely and look out over the world, or if not the world, find your high point overlooking a city or a skyline, and let you heart and soul reach out to the stars above, let them shine their light on you.

Experience the beauty & magnitude of the wonder called “Avalon” in your own ways and find the beauty and serenity within this album. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

 - JB

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hey everyone JB here with you again, wow, time has definitely been going fast lately, can you believe we are here in September already, the years are flying by anymore it seems, and when your as busy as I am and have been recently, it seems like time flies so fast, you don’t know where one day started and one night ended. Well we are finally at music review time and have I got a Heavy set of music reviews coming your way.

Let’s go ahead jump on in and get right into it…

We will start out with Apocalyptica and their new album 7th  Symphony. 

Definitely a new invigorated sound, much darker and more melodic on the new album here today, it is definitely as polished as one would think a technically precise metal album would be, tracks of note here are “End Of Me” feat. Gavin Rossdale which some of you may know from his first band “Bush” or even from his self-titled solo records, definitely an excellent song here with this one. One of my personal favorites however; is a track (which to me) they should have kept going is called “Through Paris In A Sports Car” it is a track that is a fast attack on the mind and the senses, sending you into a “James Bond-esque” type of world almost as if you are speeding through Europe on a secret mission for the fictitious MI6 dept, definitely a track worth listening to and experiencing. Another track on the favorites list is a track called “2010” it is a machine gun attack of sonic clairvoyance, pummeling drums, and a melody that is a juggernaut of sound, it hits you hard and fast, leaves you lying on the floor trying to catch your breath, this is one track you definitely cannot miss here. Overall this entire album is a direct progression forward from their last album “Worlds Collide” more melodic in some areas and more metal in others and a blast to listen too. Check it out.

The next album in our review of many, is by a group called “In This Moment” and their new record titled,
A Star-Crossed Wasteland” is sonically a metal monstrosity of heaviness and melodic overtones. If you are a fan of female fronted metal bands, then this is one record you definitely do not want to miss out on.
The tracks of note here that stand out are, 
the first track called “The Gun Show”  & the next track following called “Blazin” they are a brutal attack with a prowess to rip out your jugular, spit it back out at you and have you come back for the onslaught of the hardcore machine gun drumming that follows, which is an attack on all of the senses. There are also moments of tranquility on the record shattered by real emotion and pain, and total insanity within the albums listed tracks. It is a solid effort by the group with this being their third album (I believe) and out of eight cylinders is definitely hitting on six of them and is a good listen for car trips with friends for a day, coming in just shy of forty-five minutes. Check it out.


 - JB

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Whew..... What a party, I am at right now, JB here with you again checking in.

Just wanted to let everyone know, that incredible things are in the works right now and are coming soon and fast!!!

So keep posted to this blog page, Facebook page, and many other forums as well, plus I will be bringing you new and exciting people and forms of new entertainment along the way, including my very good friend the Goddess of Rave herself "ZOE VAN WEST"!!!

If you have any comments, please subscribe, and leave some love, comments, whatever you want, any and all is welcome!!!

They are pulling me back in to the party, WHOA! Gotta go everyone....... this party is insane!!!

 - JB

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time to meet the Goddess of RAVE, RAVE is in the Air Tonight!!!

Hello Music Lovers, JB here with you once again,

I wanted to share something with all of you, as many of you may probably know, unless you have been living under a rock lately, I am a fan of most all musical styling’s and creations. 

With that said I will share with you that I am a fan of Electronic Music (Yes I Said It) and with the likes of such genres as, Trance, Dance, Techno, House, Jungle, Drum and Bass, Deep House and much much more.

This is a genre and style of music in my very humble opinion, which does not obtain the credit, it so rightly deserves most of the time. Believe it or not most everyone out in the world including you here dear reader (yes you there) have heard some form of Electronic Music at one point or another in your life. Think Not? Ask yourself this then, have I ever been out to a nightclub, or to a party, if you can answer yes to just even one of these questions, you have heard electronic music.

It is so much more than just pummeling bass lines and high-ended note patterns on a keyboard that make you go hardcore dancing all night long; it is a feeling, an essence, a soul release of your inner spirit, and it is steeped within a long tradition of musical history.

With all of that being said I now want to introduce to you a very good friend of mine, a Raver who is literally out of this world. She has graced our planet for many years now and has written some of the “Wildest” and “Craziest” raver tracks out there, and she lives right here in the heart of paradise with her space homeport here in Florida, she transcends the typical raver club goer and well in the very essence of it all, she is so much more, that I cannot even begin to describe her soul, it is as amazing as it is beautiful!!!

Her name for those of you lucky enough to be reading this blog is “Zoe Van West” and she brings all of you “My Musical Souls of the Night” out there within the Internet world, the absolute “Hottest” and most “Awesome,” looks in fashion from her home planet of Rave, where the party never stops and the music never drops.

She has graciously allowed me to share this with you and has also given me the opportunity, to share with all of you her fashion/blog site for all things rave. Her one of a kind unique looks and most importantly of all, an online forum for those of you out there who feel the same way she does about the party of rave within yourselves!

You can find her and her magical fashions at this link:

I promise you this though everyone, her fashions are some of the literal universe’s hottest looks for all things rave and go very quickly, they are truly unique in every sense of the word!

So don’t delay, tell everyone you know to get there and get into the Universe’s Hottest Party before it is gone back into the Stars!!!

Ravers Unite!!!

Stay Tuned to the Sounds of the Stars everyone........ 
- JB

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Music reviews are coming just around the corner!!!

Hey Everyone, JB here with you again. WOW, things have been crazy busy lately for me. It seems like I have not had time to even sit down and think straight recently. Not to worry though, me and my brain are going to plow through and new music reviews are in the works and will be coming soon!!!!

Unfortunately with the time it takes artists to write, record, produce, market, and distribute albums, (no thanks to record company policies) I myself cannot always predict when an album will or will not come out, let alone review everything under the sun, if I don't have access to it. Unfortunately it does take some time to acquire what albums are and will be currently hitting the shelves & charts but, as soon as they do and I can gain access to them, I will be bringing you reviews, videos, and everything else too.

This will be a Very Brutally Heavy Set of reviews, including but not limited to new albums by: Motorhead, Apocalyptica, In This Moment, Disturbed, Kamelot, Immortal, and many many more than I can't list right now.

I am definitely looking forward to it, and all the new stylings of musical masterpiece creations coming forth from the music world in which to immerse myself in.

Stay Tuned Everyone.........

 - JB

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hello Everyone!

I guess by now if you've seen my mixpod then you know that I am obsessed with Motorhead.

My fan love affair with Motorhead began in the mid to late 80's when I was coming up in the world.

The 80's were a great time for music and it was then I was finding my truer identity.
It did not seem that anyone really thought or believed what I did or even like I did at that time.

After going to some skate shops and meeting probably some not so great people, I was introduced to this raw, gritty, sermon type style of singing and music and that is when I found someone who thought like me for the first time ever.

Motorhead's musical styling was raw, gritty, unyielding, and relentless beyond belief.
It rips out your jugular, spits it back at you, chews it up one more time and shoves it down your throat.
It's a runaway truck that will deliver a dose of reality to you in hell-fury sermon form!!!

All the way from the thunderous bass that Lemmy Kilmister plays like the god of thunder "Thor" all the way down to the lyrics that are delivered to you from a man who is 6'5+ like an angry sermon.

His lyrics are real and will cut you to the bone. Shedding the comfort of belief and forcing you to finally accept the atrocities of everyday real life!!!

Within those lyrics however beyond the ripping and shredding of your heart and soul, is the ultimate truth that life is not always full of. It will take your deepest most horrible pain, extenuate it, and provide some comfort that there are others who feel like you and have given a voice to all the pain so loud that it will even force the gods above to take notice of you and listen to your screams!!!

Motorhead are nothing spectacular to the world, however they are to me.
Take one listen and you will see, that there is a truth, the world forgot about long long ago.

Long live Motorhead!!!

- JB


Hey Everyone JB here with you again!

You can now see a new feature here on my blog page, the MIXPOD!!!

Now you will have a better vision as to what I am listening too!!!

I will keep it updated as much as I can with new and exciting videos of the current artists I am listening too!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Singing & Playing Music On Stage:

Oh crud is what I was thinking at the moment when I heard that.

Not sure if it was just a case of stage fright or butterflies in my stomach maybe the same two.

Here I was on stage in front of about 1000 people or so about to perform for the first time, along with a few band mates, we were finally here ready to take that next step into the unknown.

Everything that we have done, all of the practicing, the countless rehearsals, the late nights, the writing, the creating, the conceptualizing, the planning, all have led to this moment.

"YOUR UP" was the next thing I hear and I snap back to reality, we break out of our zones of concentration, we walk down the hallway, hearing the crowd chant and yell and scream as we make our way to the stage we're now taking the stage, not really sure how this will go, we look at each other as we plug our instruments in, giving that look of its now or never. We know that this is our time now!

The lights come on and in that moment we find the sync between us and we come alive!