Music is creation of our souls & art is inspiration of our hearts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Music Reviews: Disturbed "Asylum" & Sully Erna "Avalon"

Can you believe we are already in the middle of September? Wow! The time is just flying by and can you feel it…in the air? There is just a hint that fall is on its way here. Before you know it the Holiday’s will be upon us, but I won’t get to far ahead right now. Okay so here we are a few weeks later.

I am now in current possession of the new disturbed “Asylum” album, and folks, what I can tell you is this; this is disturbed at their absolute best since their debut album. 

The new album is a straight-line punch to your face! An absolute assault and firefight on your senses, with a unyielding resolve of pain and torture, that screams out in sheer power, in that it builds in with a crescendo and then almost all at once, the bottom falls out, the roof is obliterated into nothingness, and you and your senses are then taken into a world that in many ways mimics the mind of intelligence and insanity! You are transported into an Apocalyptic nightmare and this is the soundtrack to your own journey through that unknown world, and also through the world of insanity, in which many have died within as an unfortunate prison. 

Note worthy tracks that stand out currently are the title track “Asylum” insanity at its truest moments with the power to literally rip anything and everything standing in your way apart. 

For those who have military service “Warrior” is another stand out track that will give you the feeling of power within you to go and shred apart any enemy that stands in your way. “The chorus for “Warrior” reads like a battle cry for every soldier who has ever graced a battle field in any theater in the world and states with no uncertain affect “I’m one with the warrior inside” “My dominance can’t be denied” Your entire world will turn /into a battlefield tonight” 

The one track that really stood out to me  (I am currently listening to again as I write this) is a track called “Crucified” and it is speaking directly to the deepest parts of the human psyche and of the human soul that each one of us possess within us. Listen closely and you can hear all of us who have done so much for so many for so long with so little, and hear hearts breaking and souls shattering. In a way it is a bit therapeutic so definitely check this track out, 

I can’t seem to articulate more words for this track because my Heart and my Soul now feel at peace and at ease within the Universe at the moment. Enjoy it. One other track here for me of great interest is called “Sacrifice” it is extremely Soul Cleansing and Healing, definitely another check out track for all of you!

What does music truly mean to you? 

I have listened to quite a great variety of music and musical styles over my years here within this world, and the new solo album “Avalon” by Godsmack front man “Sully Erna” is nothing short of an absolute musical masterpiece. There are almost no words to express how this album has personally moved me and touched my very soul. Although I will do my best to bring you into the world that is “Avalon.”     

It starts in the liner notes of the CD, with a very personal message from “Sully Erna” himself, about his thoughts and philosophies on music. The music within this album though brings that message full circle. Contained within this album are the sounds of the World, and possibly of the Universe. This album contains (to me) a roadmap to one’s own soul, a personal journey of discovery and enlightenment.  

The title track “Avalon” takes you into a world of mesmerizing wonder and sound. Sounding as if it was almost recorded in a time and place forgotten long, long ago.

As we continue our journey into the universe we are accompanied by the music of track two “7 Years” along our way. As we listen we hear the sounds of Tribal Drumming and Haunting Guitar Riffs, as well as personal philosophies abound that speak right along with us as we pick up our speed going through the very fabric of time, looking back over the past, & at the same moment look toward the future as our path takes us further into the recesses of the soul, the journey is wondrous so far.

We now slow down our speed for a few moments to catch our breath as a Haunting Piano seems to enrapture our senses and we listen to the pain and strength within Track three that is “Broken Road.” Has anyone ever been here at this point in their own life before? It is okay if you have, this part of our journey is for you.

Let us head on as our journey now starts to pick up speed again with Track four “Sinner’s Prayer” Once again “Tribal drums” capture the sound of this track along with a “Violin” & “Tribal Chanting” that seems to speak the message of our hearts and souls. Release this feeling and set yourself free! How many of you feel the strength within this song?

Track five is where we find ourselves now called “My Light”, it is a view up above the clouds almost looking down from the moon or even heaven above. Listen closely and look out over the world, or if not the world, find your high point overlooking a city or a skyline, and let you heart and soul reach out to the stars above, let them shine their light on you.

Experience the beauty & magnitude of the wonder called “Avalon” in your own ways and find the beauty and serenity within this album. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

 - JB

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't think that the three songs that I have listened to from "Avalon" could have been articulated in any form, but you have captured their essence in a whole other light that I could not even touch. "Abyss" has been very well articulated into a well versed, well phrased critique that I doubt anyone can recreate to be any better. Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the awesome word choice. It's well put together. Heck, they should have you promote their CDs. Keep it up.
